CityGate Heber Springs
We believe
God created the heavens, the earth and every thing that lives there. He created mankind in His image to be His family, beginning with Adam and Eve.
Mankind sinned through disobedience and distorted this relationship between God and man.
God sent His Son to restore the family by presenting the perfect offering for redeeming humanty, Himself.
After completing His purposes here, Jesus returned to Heaven and sent Holy Spirit. He came to empower all believers in Jesus Christ and guide their daily lives. He fills us and equips us according to Acts 2:4 and Jude 1:20.
The Bible is the true, inspired, and inerrant word of God.
God asks us to pray, believe and obey Him here and responds to us as we walk in faith with Him.
The trinity: one God with 3 distinct personalities and functions, just as we are made in His likeness as spirit soul and body.
Miracles and healings are available today just as Jesus demonstrated while He lived on earth. Holy Spirit makes available the power to break any stronghold of the enemy and set us free.
One day Jesus will come for us to bring us to heaven eternally. Until that day, He has asked us to remain here to live, love and labor until he returns.
Our mission
Build an altar of adoration (worship) to our heavenly Father in Heber Springs.
Destroy enemy strongholds in this area.
Recieve the 5 fold ministy gifts(Eph. 4) that establish and equip the ekklesia (church) and prepare it to operate in its designated place of influence.
Connect people to Jesus Christ and see the kingdom of heaven enlarged in our region through preaching, teaching and demonstration of the gospel.
Maintain an open heaven over our area through prayer, declarations and devotion.
Walk with integrity and purpose, operating in the gifts and freedoms that Holy Spirit makes available to us all.
Proclaim what we hear Father saying to this culture and be Holy Spirit led in discernment, development and deployment of His resoures in our community.